When goodbye means game on: Mastering offboarding


Employee turnover is an unavoidable part of business. While this is unfortunate, when it comes to SaaS applications, saying goodbye to a departing employee can be more than just a farewell. It’s a critical moment that can make or break your organization’s security and operational efficiency.

Departures can be broadly categorized into two distinct scenarios: planned and unplanned.

  • Planned Departures: These are the goodbyes you see coming. Retirements, resignations for new opportunities – they give you time to prepare. It’s like a well-orchestrated exit strategy.
  • Unplanned Departures: These are the unexpected curveballs. Terminations, sudden resignations – they demand immediate action. It’s like sprinting through a maze while blindfolded.

Navigating the calm before the storm

For planned departures, the key is preparation. You have the luxury of time, which means you can meticulously plan the offboarding process. This is where tools like BetterCloud’s scheduled workflows shine. 

Imagine having a digital butler who can handle the tedious tasks of data transfer, access revocation, and account deactivation with precision and efficiency. It’s like having a trusted assistant who ensures everything is wrapped up neatly before the final curtain call.

BetterCloud’s scheduled workflows for voluntary departures

When the departure date is known, the following actions can be scheduled in BetterCloud.

  • Data transfer: Ensure that the user’s data is transferred so information is not lost
  • Revoke access: Access to SaaS apps can be revoked at the appropriate time
  • Deactivation: The user’s account can be deactivated on the planned date 
  • Email Delegation: Delegate the inbox of the departing user to another user (like their manager) without the need for confirmation of the receiving user
  • By leveraging scheduled workflows, companies can ensure smooth transitions and preserve data integrity. 

    BetterCloud workflow builder includes a schedule for later feature

    Sudden exit: The high-stakes game

    Unplanned departures are a different beast altogether. It’s like a ticking time bomb. Every second counts. 

    This is where speed and efficiency are paramount. BetterCloud’s on-demand workflows are your secret weapon. With a few clicks, you can instantly revoke access, protect sensitive data, and initiate the offboarding process. It’s like having a superhero swoop in to save the day.

    BetterCloud’s on-demand workflows for involuntary departures

    Speed is important when dealing with involuntary departures. BetterCloud can quickly revoke access and start the offboarding process to mitigate risks. Some actions include:

  • Immediately revoke access: Access to certain SaaS apps can be swiftly revoked to prevent potential unauthorized activity
  • Data Protection: User data can be transfer to prevent loss or misuse
  • Communication: Automatically email departments such as HR to ensure a smooth departure process
  • BetterCloud’s On-Demand Workflows can provide the required tools to handle urgent situations to protect the organization’s data and security.

    Don’t let departures leave your data behind

    Employee turnover doesn’t have to be a security risk. With the right tools and strategies, you can turn departures into opportunities to strengthen your organization. Are you ready to master the art of SaaS offboarding?

    Remember, every departure is an opportunity to refine your processes and strengthen your security posture. So, the next time you wave goodbye to an employee, rest assured that you’re not just saying farewell; you’re also setting the stage for a secure and efficient future.

    To see BetterCloud in action, schedule a demo today.

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