Top Outsourcing Companies in Poland That Elevate Global Business Solutions


Software outsourcing has become a widespread practice among various businesses. It allows them to develop robust, consistent, and cost-efficient software solutions without sacrificing quality.

Poland is one of the top-rated outsourcing destinations in Europe. In this article, we will explore why Poland has become one of the leading countries for  IT outsourcing and where to find the best IT service vendor in this country.

Why Outsourcing Software Development to Poland?

Let’s clear up what benefits outsourcing development to Poland may bring to your business.

Where to Find the Best Software Development Companies in Poland?

  • It’s cost-effective. Software development outsourcing allows businesses to cut from 30% to 60% of their operational costs, eliminating expenses on hiring in-house specialists and providing them with the necessary working conditions.
  • It’s more effective. When cooperating with an outsourcing team, you can focus on your core business activities, delegating all the development tasks to the experienced software service provider.
  • It’s time-efficient. It takes less time for an outsourcing provider to deliver the product to the market. They possess a pool of experienced developers with relevant expertise and the ability to scale up the team to meet tight deadlines.
  • Why It’s a Good Idea to Research IT Companies in Poland

    Although a decade ago, Poland was mostly unknown in the IT sphere, nowadays, it has become one of the most attractive outsourcing destinations among the US and Western European companies. Let’s see the main reasons why:

  • Talent Pool. According to the SkillValue Report, Poland has received 3rd place globally among the countries with the best developers. Its talent pool comprises around 400,000 IT professionals who take top ranks in the most popular programming competitions, such as the Central European Programming Contest (CEPC), Microsoft Imagine Cup, and others.
  • Geographical proximity. Poland, a member state of the European Union, is located in the center of Europe, which makes it a nearshore destination with significant benefits. It isn’t very different from other European countries. Thus, it’s easier to establish efficient client-vendor communication. What is more, when it comes to face-to-face business meetings, the flight to most European cities won’t take more than 2-3 hours.
  • Educational background. Poland has a high level of education focused on STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics). There are 18 technical universities with around 17,000 graduates every year. It allows the country to boost the growth of the IT industry in general.
  • English proficiency. According to the EF, Poland has a high English proficiency index. It means that Polish developers have a good command of English and can easily communicate with clients. Moreover, most IT specialists in Poland can also speak some other widespread European languages (German, Spanish, French, etc).
  • Compliance with security regulations. Poland is a member of the EU. Thus, when outsourcing to this country, you can be sure about the high level of data security protection since all the local companies must comply with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).
  • Cost-efficiency. The Labor costs in Poland are significantly lower than in most Western European countries or in the USA, which makes it an attractive location to outsource software development projects.
  • Where to Find the Best Software Development Companies in Poland?

    Poland’s major IT hubs are in Warsaw, Krakow, and Wroclaw.

    Where to Find the Best Software Development Companies in Poland?

  • Warsaw is the capital of Poland, with over 85,000 high-skilled IT specialists and well-developed infrastructure. Warsaw houses Research and Development (R&D) centers for tech giants such as Microsoft, Samsung, IBM, and others.
  • Krakow hosts the biggest number of software developers. Moreover, it is a cultural and educational center of Poland. The best technical universities, such as the Tadeusz Kosciuszko University of Technology and the Jagiellonian University, are located here. Moreover, since Krakow houses fewer R&D centers than Warsaw, it’s easier to find available IT experts there.
  • Wroclaw is another popular IT outsourcing destination in Poland, with about 47,500 IT professionals. Moreover, due to the agreements with local colleges and universities, this number is being augmented by 1400 graduates every year.
  • With a large variety of IT hubs and IT outsourcing companies in Poland, finding the best vendor who will perfectly fit your business requirements and provide you with robust and responsive software solutions may seem complicated.

    However, in our digital world, with free access to different sources of information, that’s not a problem. There are various review aggregators like Clutch, where you can easily find all the necessary information to make the right choice.

    Such aggregators usually present a list of the best companies in the region, providing details about their technological expertise, experience, services, and prices. Here is the list of some outsourcing companies in Poland that are worth mentioning:

    • The Software House is one of the most recommended software development companies in Poland, according to Clutch. It stands out with more than 200 successfully delivered projects in such spheres as e-commerce, fintech, transport, etc. Its client portfolio includes, Takamol, Smartum, and others.
    • Scand Poland is a custom software development firm with offices in Warsaw. Due to its extensive history and great expertise, it provides its customers with top-notch solutions in such spheres as FinTech, e-commerce, healthcare, blockchain, IoT, and others. IBM, NASA, and Bank of America are on the list of Scand clients.
    • Merixstudio is a full-stack software development team in Poland consisting of more than 200 high-skilled specialists. They develop solutions for education, healthcare, e-commerce, fintech, and other spheres. Merixstudio cooperates with such global brands as The Independent, Volkswagen, Toshiba, etc.


    Software development outsourcing is gaining ever-growing popularity worldwide. It allows businesses to focus on their core activities, reduce operational costs, and benefit from robust and scalable software solutions.

    When it comes to choosing an outsourcing destination, Poland is one of the most attractive countries in the center of Europe. It has a rich pool of skilled IT professionals who have a profound educational background and follow all the latest development trends.

    Thus, it won’t be challenging for you to find an outsourcing software service provider that will be able to develop a high-quality and cost-efficient software solution in compliance with your business demands.


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