Top 5 Free Online Store Applications to Save your Business during Coronavirus!


Ecommerce has proven to be the most reliable, easy and risk-free alternative to doing business nowadays. In times of crisis and global health risks, more and more people are looking at online shopping as the only substitute to do real business and get real cash flows no matter the situation. All of us have heard of Amazon, eBay, Walmart, Etsy, and many other online stores that offer a wide variety of goods and superb shipping and refund policies in case the products are not suitable for your needs. From an entrepreneur’s point of view and having in mind the economic situation because of the Coronavirus pandemic, the only logical way out is to start selling online! In this article, we will show you the Top 5 FREE Online Store Applications that can SAVE and GROW your Business in 2020.

How many People Shop online?

“Online shopping is growing so fast that the global online shopping market size is predicted to hit 4 trillion in 2020. And in the US alone, we’re expecting to have 300 million online shoppers in 2023. That’s 91% of the entire country’s population!” say the marketing experts from OptinMonster. These numbers are massive and NOONE took the Coronavirus under consideration when people are urged to stay home, minimize social contacts and online shopping seems to be not only vital but seems to one of the very few leisure activities you can do and image what you will do the products purchased after the pandemic is over.

Top 5 Free Online Store Applications

With an industry growing so fast, there are virtually limitless opportunities to start creating and building your online store. Most applications are free and come with templates that can be easily changed or modified so they meet your expectations. In this article, we will cover the top 5 free online store applications based on our own experience as one of the leading web hosting companies in USA

WordPress + WooCommerce

WordPress is powering more than 35 of all websites over the internet and thus seems to be the ultimate website building machine. Also, it comes with a variety of modules, plugins, and themes that can be easily customized. Most themes come with color switchers that allow you to change colors with 1 mouse click. Also, the best will be to find a theme that suits your needs and simply upload your own pictures, pictures of your products and change the settings. Selling with WordPress and WooCommerce can be done in a matter of minutes. A single product set up takes less than 5 minutes! If you spare 3 hours a day, you can make at least 10 product uploads with images, descriptions and all necessary details to start selling. On a monthly basis, you can easily hit 300 products to be uploaded only by one person!

How much does it cost to start an online store with WordPress and WooCommerce?

WordPress can be easily hosted on shared hosting servers, meaning the costs will be greatly discounted and definitely way below $5 per month. For example our Starter Pack – Face Standard comes as $2.94 per month. This investment comes as low as a coffee a month and can make the difference from being broke to being a successful online entrepreneur in a matter of a few mouse clicks. Start your online store with WordPress and WebHostFace NOW.

WordPress Online store Rating:

Easy of use: 5 starsMonthly costs: 5 starsEasy to scale as you grow: 5 stars


Another great application to start your online store is called PrestaShop. PrestaShop e-Commerce Solution was built to take advantage of essential Web 2.0 innovations such as dynamic AJAX-powered features and next-generation ergonomy. PrestaShop guides users through your product catalog intelligently and effortlessly, turning intrigued visitors into paying customers. Most importantly from a customer point of view, it comes with almost everything prepackaged in terms of creating an online store. Building a store with PrestaShop might be a little bit unintuitive at the beginning, but this is only until you get used to this application. After this adding products will be an easy task.

The only real disadvantage of PrestaShop is the price of the themes and additional plugins you may need. If you need to implement a new payment gateway, this might come at $199 or even more, depending on the developer of the plugin. With WordPress on the other hand, most of the features come for free or at a very affordable price way below the price of the plugins for PrestaShop.

Start your Dream online store with PrestaShop and WebHostFace for only $2.94 per month!

Easy of use: 4 starsMonthly costs: 4 starsEasy to scale as you grow: 5 stars


Abante Cart is a free PHP based eCommerce solution for merchants to provide the ability to create an online business and sell products online quickly and efficiently. AbanteCart’s application is built and supported by experienced enthusiasts that are passionate about their work and contribution to the rapidly evolving eCommerce industry. AbanteCart is more than just a shopping cart, it is a rapidly growing eCommerce platform with many benefits.

Easy of use: 4 starsMonthly costs: 5 starsEasy to scale as you grow: 5 stars

Start your AbanteCart online store with us for only $2.94 per month!


OpenCart is an open-source PHP-based online shopping cart system. A robust e-commerce solution for Internet merchants with the ability to create their own online business and participate in e-commerce at a minimal cost. OpenCart is designed feature-rich, easy to use, search engine friendly and with a visually appealing interface.

Easy of use: 4 starsMonthly costs: 5 starsEasy to scale as you grow: 5 stars

Start your online shop with OpenCart in a matter of minutes for only $2.94 per month.


Magento is a state of the art online store building application with thousands of inbuilt options. it is built for creating small to very large online stores, it has search engine friendly URLs to help you optimize your products and your whole shop for Google. Also, it is customizable as you have access to your files. Customizing a Magento site might not be the easiest part of your project, but you can definitely rely on a developer to help you out.

Easy of use: 4 starsMonthly costs: 3 starsEasy to scale as you grow: 5 stars

Magento`s new versions require more computing power and RAM, thus making this application not suitable for shared hosting. Using a Virtual Private Server, VPS might be the better choice price-wise.

Start your online store with Magento in a matter of minutes, now from $9.95 per month.


Starting an online store is as easy as creating a few pages, putting attractive products with images and pricing and start making your online sales. If you already had a physical store, starting to sell online might be as cheap as $2.94 per month. Do to miss this opportunity and find new alternatives for your business during the Coronavirus pandemic outbreak now.

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