Simplifying Workflows through Branching


Release roundup

  • Announcing Dynamic Workflows and the continuing work on our commitment to automate even more manual IT work
  • If/ Else Branching and a new Workflow Builder experience is live!
  • Details on even more Workflow Builder updates coming over the next few months
  • 9 new integrations added to BetterCloud (including Adobe Enterprise, Hubspot, Kandji and more) with more than 50 new actions

This year, we have been manically focused on giving IT teams every tool they need to build effective Workflows and automations in BetterCloud. Companies already save thousands of hours by using BetterCloud to eliminate repetitive work – but we’re not stopping there. Our vision of a future-ready, lean IT team is one that is able to fully maximize the impact of automation. Earlier this year, we released updates to the Workflow Manager and introduced the ability to schedule Workflows on-demand, giving IT teams more control over their time. Today, we are announcing a number of new updates and features that continue to enhance the Workflow Builder, giving IT even more tools to save time and automate repetitive manual tasks.

Dynamic Workflows

This is 🔥” – BetterCloud Customer

Today we are announcing Dynamic Workflows. Dynamic Workflow features are a set of updates designed to help IT teams eliminate even more of their manual tasks, simplifying new employee onboarding and offboarding, and also giving IT back even more time in their day. 

Thousands of companies have run millions of Workflows using BetterCloud. Many of these teams using BetterCloud support complex organizations, with multiple business units and nuanced exceptions which sometimes require dozens of unique Workflows. With Dynamic Workflows, these could all be combined into a single Workflow. With advanced logic and dynamic decisioning, a single Workflow can be configured to automate an onboarding flow in even the most complex organizations. BetterCloud users can start using the first features in this update today. We are truly excited to share these with you, and can’t wait to release these innovations, and more, throughout the rest of the year. 

Dynamic Workflows

Starting with If/ Else Branching 

This is going to open up some great automations for us” – BetterCloud Customer

Launching today, If/ Else Branching gives IT teams the flexibility to design Workflows with dynamic logic and conditions. Combining your work into fewer Workflows makes automations easier to manage and update, and reduces the potential for errors. No more making updates and ongoing management across multiple Workflows. This can now happen in a single place with nested If/ Else conditions and actions.

A new experience for the Workflow Builder

I truthfully can’t wait to just condense the amount of Workflows currently being leveraged” – BetterCloud Customer

Also launching today is a brand new experience in our Workflow Builder. We’ve optimized the Workflow building space, making it more intuitive and creating a more flexible workspace. Included is the ability to create multiple nested sections in a single Workflow, each containing its own IF conditions and THEN actions. Workflows will be easier to manage and update in this new experience as the Workflows built in BetterCloud become even more dynamic.

Workflow Builder

An easy to read summary

In the coming weeks we are also releasing Workflow Summary. Teams will soon be able to easily, and quickly, see their entire Workflow at a glance. Teams can browse and navigate their entire onboarding Workflow without having to scroll through and read each individual configuration and condition.

Workflow Summary 2

Keep automations flowing

It’s common for companies to rely on approvals, or input from members from other departments to progress an onboarding Workflow or finalize employee offboarding. These requests can sometimes lead to unintended pauses in Workflows as users reject or approve actions, or as IT tracks down the right approver. In the coming months, BetterCloud users will be able to build dynamic logic into their Workflows, and request direction from different people in the org, to progress a Workflow on the right path and keep automations from stalling.

The right data, to make the right decisions, at the right time

At the moment teams are configuring a new Workflow in BetterCloud, there might be some conditional data they don’t have access to. Say IT needs to check the status of an employee after a certain time period to continue with automated offboarding. Or maybe they need to confirm a business unit to make sure an employee is onboarded on Day 1 with all the right tools and apps. Businesses change over time, so how do you confidently build Workflows that can accommodate complex business policies or dynamic conditions? Later this year we are releasing Real Time Conditions and Expanded Conditions to give IT teams working in BetterCloud even more flexibility to build Workflows that take into account all of the unique needs of their businesses. 

What else is new?

This past month we’ve launched 9 new integrations with more than 50 actions.

  • Adobe Enterprise
  • Airtable
  • Auth0
  • ClickTime
  • Expensify
  • Front
  • HubSpot
  • InTune
  • Kandji

We’ve also made enhancements to existing integrations.

  • Smartsheet
  • ServiceNow

Read more about all of our integrations and how to use them in the BetterCloud Help Center.

Demo BetterCloud Workflows

Want to see how teams are using BetterCloud Workflows to automate thousands of tasks, eliminating thousands of hours of manual work? Sign up for a demo to learn more.

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