New User Roles Provide Greater Flexibility and Control


Our new and improved user roles and permissions will give you more flexibility and control over who has access to what data in your ChartMogul account. This allows you to expose more of your team to features and functionality that can help them make more informed decisions, improve their workflows, and ultimately make them more effective in their roles.  

We’ve expanded the Team Member user role to include more granular permissions. The following roles are now available: 

  • Lite 
  • Read-only
  • Staff
  • Admin 
  • Owner 

As companies grow, teams get larger and processes get more complex. You might need your team to see all your data in aggregate but not individual customer profiles, or you need your team to see both charts and customers but not give them rights to make any changes. You can expect this level of granularity with our new roles and permissions. Keep in mind that ChartMogul pricing is based on your MRR and not by number of seats, so you’re free to add as much of your team as you like to your account. Let’s check out what’s new (in order of access).

From December 15th, 2022, everyone on your team who was previously a Team Member will be Read-only. Admins remain Admins. You can update user roles here.

New roles


Share your MRR, ARR, ARPA, LTV, and other SaaS metrics with your investors, consultants, and other business advisors. With our new Lite role, you can get your external team following your growth in a way that’s completely GDPR compliant. Lite users can see all of your top-level metrics and saved charts but do not have access to customers, data exports, or data editing functionality. Send out invites to your whole company and externals to get them tracking your SaaS metrics – and celebrating the wins.  


Similar to what was previously called Team Member, Read-only users have access to all charts, filters, custom attributes, tags, and customers, but have no global edit capabilities. They have access to the data platform, can receive email notifications, and use the search functionality. Read-only users can create their own charts, customer lists, and export data as they like.

*The key difference between the (soon-to-be retired) Team Member role and the Read-only role is that Read-only users can’t take actions in the app that will affect others – such as adding or editing segments.


Staff users have all the permissions of Read-only users. In addition, they can add tags, custom attributes, customers, and can save their own charts and lists to be used personally or shared company-wide. They have access to the data platform and can see data sources, but they can’t add, edit, or remove them. This is perfect for the people on your team who want to run their own analyses, save charts, and bolster their decision-making with data. 

*Staff users have more permissions than Team Members. They can add, share, and delete custom charts. They can export customers, customer lists, or even add destinations if they like.


Admins have all the same permissions Lite, Read-only, and Staff. They can create and edit targets for your company. They can also add multiple data sources, edit, and remove them. Admins don’t have access to billing. 


Account owners can do everything in ChartMogul and have access to billing. 

What happens to the old user roles? 

The current team member role doesn’t exactly map to any of the new roles, so we’ll keep it available until December 15th, 2022 to give everyone time to switch over to a new role. After that date, remaining Team Members will automatically be migrated to Read-only roles. You’re now free to contact the admin of your account to switch your role.

Read more about our user roles in our Help Center.

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