How to Effectively Highlight Your SaaS Product’s Key Features Online


Marketing your SaaS product can feel like a challenge, especially when you’re trying to make your key features stand out online.

It’s easy to fall into the trap of over-explaining or using technical terms that don’t really land with your audience. Features can easily get lost in jargon, or worse, you’ll come off sounding just like everyone else.

However, it doesn’t have to be that way. In this article, we’re going to cover some straightforward tips for highlighting your product’s features in a way that feels natural and easy for your audience to grasp.

Read on to learn some simple yet advanced strategies to refine your SaaS product marketing without coming across as pushy or overwhelming.

Align Product Features with Niche User Segments

When you tailor your messaging to the distinct concerns of different customer groups, you’re showing your audience that your product isn’t just a one-size-fits-all solution but built to solve their specific challenges. You prove that you understand their specific needs.

Tap into This Strategy

  • Define your key user segments. Dive deep into their unique challenges and goals.
  • Map your product features to these specific needs. For example, if you’re targeting both small businesses and enterprises, highlight different features for each.
  • Create targeted content for each segment. This could be separate landing pages, blog posts, or even product guides.
  • Use language that speaks directly to each group’s pain points and aspirations.
  • Don’t just list your product features. Show how they solve real problems for each segment.
  • Personalize your demos and trials, too. Set up different paths based on user segments, showcasing the most relevant features first.
  • Example

    A great example of this tactic is DialMyCalls, a platform that enables mass texting. They’ve created a guide to sending emergency text messages that speaks to various niche audiences.

    Here, they dive deep into the details of how their service can be used in different emergency scenarios.

    From natural disasters and infrastructure failures to health crises and cybersecurity threats, they highlight how their service’s features apply to each scenario.


    This targeted approach makes their product more relatable and valuable to niche users rather than offering a generic solution. It helps potential customers see themselves using the product, making the features more tangible and valuable.

    This is a smart way to make your product more compelling and, ultimately, more likely to be adopted by those who need it most.

    Ensure Explainer Videos Prominently Feature Your USPs

    Explainer videos are a marketing powerhouse, especially when they showcase your unique selling points (USPs). They’re used by 91% of people whenever they’re scoping out a product or service.

    That makes video the most used format for consuming information about potential purchases.

    Tap into This Strategy

  • Keep your explainer video short and concise – it should be between 60 and 90 seconds long.
  • Start with a hook that grabs attention, then dive right into your USPs.
  • Show how your features solve real problems for your audience.
  • Use simple language and visuals that make complex concepts easy to grasp.
  • Remember that your video should tell a story. Introduce a relatable character facing a challenge, then show how your product swoops in to save the day.
  • Highlight your USPs naturally throughout this narrative.
  • End with a clear call-to-action (CTA). What do you want viewers to do next? Make it obvious and easy.
  • Example

    Rosie, an AI-powered answering service, nails this approach on their homepage. Their video features a simulated phone conversation between a customer and Rosie’s AI bot. It’s a brilliant way to showcase their USPs in action.

    In this real-world scenario, viewers can see firsthand how the AI handles customer questions, schedules appointments, and manages complex conversations.

    This way, the video resonates with business owners who struggle with managing high call volumes or providing 24/7 customer service.


    By focusing on these pain points and showcasing their solution in action, Rosie creates a compelling case for their service that goes beyond mere feature lists.

    This approach effectively demonstrates how Rosie can streamline operations and expand a business’s capabilities.

    Express Features As They Benefit the User

    Camouflaging features as user benefits is a game-changer, especially in early-stage SaaS product marketing. That’s because site visitors don’t care about your fancy tech. They care about what it can do for them.

    This approach is vital for homepage messaging, where you need to grab attention fast.

    The key here is to focus on outcomes, not processes. Don’t dive into the nitty-gritty of how your system works. Instead, show visitors what they’ll gain. Keep these messages simple and direct. Think “Save 3 hours a day” rather than “Our AI-powered algorithm optimizes task management.”

    Tap into This Strategy

  • Start by listing your key features.
  • Then, for each one, ask yourself: “So what?” Keep thinking of questions until you hit a tangible benefit.
  • Use clear, jargon-free language that speaks directly to your user’s needs and desires.
  • Frame benefits in terms of time saved, money earned, or problems solved.
  • The top part of your homepage isn’t the place for technical deep dives. Save those details for later in the sales process when leads are more invested.
  • Example

    Vidpros, a video editing on-demand service, exemplifies this approach beautifully. Their homepage section, “We Make Video Editing Easy,” is a masterclass in simplicity.

    Here, they break down their process into straightforward steps like “submit your video” and “request a revision” without getting bogged down in technical details.

    Vidpros resists the urge to brag about their sophisticated software as well. Instead, they focus on the user experience. They know that at this early stage, potential clients don’t care about complex features. They just want to know if the service can solve their problem.


    Keeping things simple and benefit-focused allows Vidpros to make their service feel accessible and valuable.

    Highlight Product Features on Your Pricing Page

    The pricing page is often the make-or-break point in the customer journey. Leads that land on it are seriously considering your product.

    That’s why the pricing page is a great chance to seal the deal by showing visitors exactly what they’re getting for their money.

    Tap into This Strategy

  • Align your product features with different pricing tiers. But don’t just list them – explain how each feature adds value.
  • Use clear, benefit-focused language that speaks to your customer’s needs.
  • Consider using a comparison table to make it easy for leads to see what’s included in each plan.
  • Don’t overwhelm with too much info.
  • Highlight key features that differentiate each tier and link to more detailed specs for those who want to dig deeper.
  • Use icons or visual cues to make the page scannable.
  • Address common questions or objections right on the pricing page. This could be through FAQs, tooltips, or short explanations next to each feature.
  • Example

    GetSafe, a medical alert systems provider, nails this approach on their pricing page. They break down features for each plan in a way that’s clear and actionable so leads can easily see what they’ll get with each option.

    What’s really smart is how GetSafe pairs feature descriptions with images of the product bundles for each plan. This visual approach helps customers understand exactly what they’re getting, which is crucial when selling physical products like medical alert systems.


    By presenting features this way, GetSafe makes it easy for leads (who might be seniors or their family members) to choose the right plan for their needs.

    This approach likely boosts conversions by giving customers all the info they need to make a confident decision right there on the pricing page.

    Use Customer Testimonials Highlighting Specific Feature Use Cases

    Displaying testimonials can boost your conversion rates by up by 270%. That’s a game-changing increase that can transform your business.

    It’s also a great chance to use your existing customers’ voices to highlight specific product features. It’s logical because potential customers trust real users more than your marketing copy. When they see how others are using your features to solve real problems, it makes your product’s benefits tangible and relatable.

    Tap into This Strategy

  • Start by collecting detailed feedback from your happy customers. Ask them specifically about which features made the biggest impact on their business.
  • Then, craft these stories into concise, punchy testimonials that highlight both the feature and the outcome.
  • Don’t just stick these testimonials on a separate page. Sprinkle them throughout your site, especially near relevant feature descriptions.
  • Use pull quotes to draw attention to key points. If possible, include the customer’s name, company, and photo to add credibility.
  • Consider creating video testimonials, too. They’re more engaging and can convey the enthusiasm that written words sometimes miss.
  • Example

    Zendesk, a leading customer service platform, applies this method on their homepage. They feature a section with customer testimonials that zero in on the most impactful Zendesk features for each client’s success.

    By showcasing these real-world use cases, Zendesk shows how these features solve actual business problems. That instantly clicks with potential customers who can see themselves in similar situations.

    For instance, testimonials can highlight how Zendesk allows companies to collect data on customer interactions or how their workflow capabilities help improve customer satisfaction scores.


    These specific examples make Zendesk’s features come alive, showing not only what the platform can do but also the real-world impact it can have.

    Leverage Webinars to Showcase Key Feature Benefits

    Webinars allow you to dive deep into your product’s capabilities while providing real-time value to your audience.

    They’re interactive and engaging, and they give potential customers a chance to see your features in action.

    Tap into This Strategy

  • Identify your most impactful features and the problems they solve.
  • Then, build webinars around these topics.
  • Keep your webinars educational and value-packed.
  • Use real-world examples and case studies to illustrate how your features solve actual problems.
  • Include a Q&A session to address specific concerns and showcase your product’s flexibility.
  • Consider creating a series of webinars to cover different features or use cases, keeping your audience engaged over time.
  • Avoid using your platform just to demo your product. Frame the webinar as a solution to a common industry challenge. This approach positions you as a thought leader while subtly highlighting your product’s strengths.
  • Remember to follow up after the webinar. Send recordings to attendees and use the engagement data to nurture leads.
  • Culture Amp, an employee experience platform, excels at this strategy. They host tons of webinars focused on hot topics like employee satisfaction, retention, and overall experience. These are all valuable sessions that address real HR challenges.

    For instance, their “Build a Culture First Performance Process” webinar features an expert discussing how to improve performance management. Throughout the session, they naturally weave in how Culture Amp’s features can help tackle these issues.

    Build a culture firstSource:

    This approach allows Culture Amp to demonstrate their expertise while showing off their platform’s capabilities in context. Attendees get actionable advice and see exactly how Culture Amp’s features could benefit their organization.

    It’s a smart way to educate potential customers, build trust, and showcase product features all at once.

    Create Social Media Campaigns Centered Around Unique Features

    Social media allows you to expand your SaaS product marketing efforts beyond your website and reach a vast audience.

    Creating social media campaigns is effective because it allows you to highlight what makes your product special in a space where your audience is already spending time. Plus, social media’s visual nature lets you demonstrate features in engaging, easily digestible ways.

    Tap into This Strategy

  • Brainstorm creative ways to visually present your most unique or valuable features. Think short videos, eye-catching graphics, or even interactive posts.
  • Keep your content snappy and to the point – social media users have short attention spans.
  • Focus on benefits, not just features. Show how your product solves real problems or makes life easier for users.
  • Use customer stories or mini case studies to make these benefits tangible.
  • Tailor your content to each platform. What works on LinkedIn might not work on TikTok.
  • Always include a clear CTA (call-to-action), whether it’s to learn more, start a free trial, or watch a demo.
  • Mailchimp, the popular email marketing platform, employs this approach with their social media campaigns. They’ve been particularly clever in promoting their new AI-powered tools and features.

    Their campaign uses beautiful animated videos that quickly demonstrate what these new features do. In just a few seconds, viewers can see the feature in action, understand its benefits, and grasp potential use cases.

    For example, they have a LinkedIn video that shows how their AI can generate personalized email subject lines, demonstrating the process and the time saved. It also showcases how this AI can analyze campaign performance and suggest improvements.

    Social media campaignsSource:

    By using engaging visuals and focusing on practical applications, Mailchimp makes complex AI features feel accessible and valuable.

    This helps them get closer to their audience of marketers and small business owners who are always looking for ways to improve their email campaigns.

    Final Thoughts

    And that’s how you elevate your SaaS product marketing game.

    But here’s the thing: features are just the start. The real magic happens when you connect those features to your users’ dreams and challenges.

    So, as you implement these tactics, keep asking yourself: “How can we make our users’ lives easier, better, or more exciting?” Remember, you’re not just selling software – you’re selling potential. What potential will you unlock today?


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