How to Buy a Domain Name


No website or online brand presence is complete without a strong, appropriate, and memorable domain name. It serves as a direct link between a user and the website they’re looking for.

In this article, KnownHost explains what a domain name is, why they’re useful, factors to consider before buying a domain name, and some tips for creating and protecting the perfect domain.

What is a Domain Name?

A domain name is the unique address that helps users find and access a website. While an exact URL provides the precise address for each unique page on the website, the domain name is the basic and overarching address used to access the site – and upon which other pages are hosted.

Domain names are useful because they provide a memorable and often intuitive reference for users to access a website, and one that can tie into existing and established branding.

Factors to Consider Before Buying a Domain Name

Choosing the perfect domain name takes more than a split-second decision. There are three main factors to consider when buying a domain name:

How to Generate a Strong Domain Name

The first step in generating a strong domain name is to keep it short, memorable, and related to the company’s brand image.

This is because it creates an association between brand identity and the website itself. An intuitive and logical domain name gives users an idea of how to find a website and a memorable address to remember in the future.

If identifying a domain name is a struggle, domain name generators can help suggest simple yet effective ideas. Just input the desired keywords and let the generator do the work for you.

Some generator tools even provide an estimate of availability and pricing if you go on to register a domain.

How to Check for Trademark Infringement

If a domain name infringes on another company’s trademark, it could lead to complications down the road – including expensive legal cases or being forced to change the domain, which can lead to customer confusion and a drop in website traffic.

The most effective way to confirm a desired domain name is free of trademark infringement is by checking on trademark databases and taking note of the names already registered.

How to Make a Domain Name Future Proof

A successful domain name lasts for the lifespan of a company and future-proofing a domain name is important in ensuring brand identity remains years down the line.

Simple and logical domain names tie in with a memorable brand identity – making it easy for fans of the brand to find its website and likewise encouraging those with a positive website experience to remember the name.

So, avoid any short-term references that may become irrelevant in the future. This includes pop culture references, popular catchphrases, or references to current events or talking points. Instead, opt for a simple, context-free name that will stand the test of time.

Five Steps to Buying a Domain Name

When buying a domain name, follow these steps for a logical, memorable, safe, and secure address.

Step 1: Find a Credible Domain Registrar

Registrars are companies responsible for the registration and management of new website domain names. It’s important to find a registrar that’s credible, reliable, and affordable.

Likewise, they may not even register the domain name correctly, leaving a company open to copyright fraud.

While choosing between registrars can be overwhelming, there are a few key aspects to look out for in a potential partner:

  • Price: Check out the terms of service before agreeing to payment. Some registrars have hidden costs masked by their terms of service, which can add additional fees to a service that initially appears affordable.
  • Expiration: Domain names need to be renewed before their expiration date to avoid potential copyright theft and other fraud. The best way to do this is to pick a service that provides domain registration reminders or an automatic renewal service.
  • Extra Services: Some registrars may offer additional services like domain parking or domain privacy, which may prove useful in providing the peace of mind that comes with additional security.
  • Transfer Policy: While it’s possible to transfer a domain name from one registrar to the other, some providers may charge extra fees.

KnownHost’s seamless and secure domain registration service offers the most popular TLDs – helping you find the perfect address for your brand. Plus, all domains registered with KnownHost are centrally managed and come with free domain privacy for life!

Step 2: Run a Domain Name Search

The next step involves running a domain name search. This is essential in avoiding trademark issues that could result in costly legal complications and the potential loss of profits and site traffic that come with changing an established domain name down the line.

The quickest way to check for domain name availability is through a URL search – although many registrars also run an availability check when registering with their service.

Domain name extension is also a key consideration. This refers to the suffix that follows a domain name. For example, the ‘.com’ in ‘’ is the domain name extension. These are also referred to as Top-Level Domains (TLDs).

There are different types of TLDs, and it’s advised to pick one that most accurately represents the company image.

  • Country Code TLD (ccTLD): This TLD represents a specific country. An example would be ‘.uk’ or .us’.
  • Sponsored TLD (sTLD): This TLD represents a specific organization, like a government body or company. An example would be ‘.gov’ or ‘.edu’.
  • Generic TLD (gTLD): These are the most common type of TDL and represent generic domain names. Examples would be ‘.org’ or ‘.com’.

When choosing a TLD, it’s important to pick an extension that is right for the company. For example, a software company may opt for ‘.org’ or ‘.com’, while a government e-portal may require a ‘.gov’.

Choosing the wrong TDL can confuse site visitors, and lead to users clicking off the site or misinterpreting the brand.

Step 3: Pick a Domain

Once the desired domain name has been chosen, it’s time to officially register. Registrars will usually ask how long the registration period will last (often from 1 – 10 years).

Many domain registration providers will also have minimum one- or two-year requirements and notify users before their domain name expires to avoid trademark fraud.

This prevents people from owning domain names for short periods or holding company trademarks for the sole purpose of blocking anyone else from using that domain name.

It can also prevent examples of fraud, such as domain theft. This occurs when a domain name is moved from one registrar to another without the domain owner’s knowledge and usually happens when a customer registers a domain name with a fraudulent registrar.

Step 4: Complete the Domain Registration

Once the registration payment has been completed, the domain is successfully registered and will be stored on WHOIS – the official database of domain ownership.

While a domain name is set in stone for its trademarked period, a user can still access and edit any associated details, such as personal and payment information.

Be aware, it may take a short period (between 24 – 48 hours) for a domain name to be successfully registered.

Step 5: Verify Domain Name Ownership

Finally, a domain name often needs to be verified through the email address used by the registrar.

This step is not only essential for confirming the associated email address with the registrar but it’s also an opportunity to verify the email registration process, to check the domain name is spelled correctly and to see if the registration process went forward with minimal technical issues.

Extended periods without verifying the email address can lead to the suspension of the domain name, so make sure domain name verification is a top priority.

It’s also worth registering the new domain name with Google Search Console to have easier access to essential website analytics that can help inform a brand marketing and SEO plan and drive traffic to the website.

What To Do After Buying a Domain Name

Once a domain name is registered and verified, there are a couple of extra steps that can be taken to secure the long-term success of a website.

How to Purchase a Web Hosting Plan

Website hosting is a service offering the remote storage of a website’s server information, like memory processes and storage data. As its name suggests, it hosts the website online, making it available and accessible for users.

Web hosting comes in many forms, from shared hosting to virtual private servers (VPS), cloud hosting, and WordPress hosting – each with unique benefits from cost to customization and scalability.

KnownHost offers a comprehensive, professional, and scalable website hosting service for businesses looking for website security, maximum uptime, and world-class support.

How to Create a Website

Once a domain name has been registered and a website hosting provider has been chosen, it’s time to create the website itself. There are two main ways to create a website, both with different levels of customization and convenience.

A company can create a website from scratch, but this may require knowledge of JavaScript and HTML to be able to deliver the user experience required.

If a business doesn’t have a dedicated coding team or is looking to save time, a CMS is the recommended option.

CMS stands for ‘content management system’ and is a simple, effective, and stylish method for building a website with no coding knowledge. Modern CMS platforms are highly customizable and offer a flexible array of options in terms of website design and structure.

CMS platforms include WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: How Do I Permanently Buy a Domain Name?

A: Technically speaking it’s not possible to buy a domain name forever. This is to ensure that a domain name is being registered for commercial purposes and not reserved just to prevent others from using the name.

Still, it’s possible to own a domain name for as long as a user desires through renewal at the end of its registration period.

Q: Where is the Best Place to Buy a Register Name?

A: The best place to register a domain name is through a trusted registrar, which is responsible for the documentation and registration of all domain names. Fraudulent companies may not be able to register a domain name properly, which could result in hidden fees and court cases over trademarks later down the road.

KnownHost offers secure and compliant domain registration services for a range of TLDs and with free domain privacy for life.

Q: How Much Does a Domain Name Cost?

A: The price of a domain name varies depending on the name itself, but also the Top-Level Domain (TLD). Additional fees may apply for domain names that are more sought after than others – like ‘.com’ or ‘.org’ – the period a domain is being purchased for, and the service fees of the registrar.

Q: Does it Matter Where a Customer Buys Their Domain Name?

A: As long as a registrar is trustworthy, it doesn’t matter where a domain name is purchased.

However, some domain name registrars may offer additional services like domain parking and domain security alongside domain registration services, which may save businesses time and money.

Q: Can Someone Steal My Domain Name?

A: Domain theft can occur, but it’s rare. Domain theft can be a result of registering with a fraudulent registrar or transferring a domain name to another registrar without following the proper channels and without the owner of that domain name being aware of it. To avoid domain theft, a customer must do their due research about a registrar before signing with them.

Q: Does a Customer Have to Pay for a Domain Name Every Year?

A: Most standard domain name registrars require registration fees to be paid yearly for a fixed-term contract, however, some registrars offer the option to buy multiple years at the advertised price.

This may represent the best way to secure a domain name for extended periods, as well as being cost-effective in avoiding the potential price increases that come with yearly renewal.

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