How IT Audit Services Work and Why You May Need Them


Boris Shiklo

Chief Technology Officer, ScienceSoft

Editor’s note: Boris explains the benefits of IT auditing and provides a brief overview of IT audit stages. If you want to assess your information systems’ integrity, compliance, and risk resilience, consider contacting ScienceSoft for IT consulting services. Our experts are ready to perform a comprehensive audit to ensure the security and sustainability of your IT environment.

An IT audit is a process of independent examination of a company’s IT ecosystem needed to assess its effectiveness, address the risks, and provide recommendations for corrective action. The scope of IT auditing depends on its objective and may cover any or all of the following areas:

  • IT infrastructure and data communications.
  • Business-critical applications.
  • Compliance with specific laws, regulations, or guidelines.
  • The management’s control over IT and the related policies and procedures.

IT audit

Stages of IT Auditing

  • A preliminary study to get acquainted with the company’s business architecture and goals, study the target IT systems, controls, and policies, research the incident history, and understand the existing audit limits.
  • Planning to set clear audit objectives, identify the scope, and develop an audit plan or checklist. This stage also includes an in-depth analysis of audit risk factors and bottlenecks.
  • A detailed IT audit to identify and analyze problem areas, risks, and gaps in the company’s IT ecosystem, gather the relevant evidence, and find the most efficient ways to eliminate them.
  • Reporting to present the audit findings in an actionable format, prioritizing the discovered risks and issues by severity and suggesting ways to optimize the IT infrastructure to meet the established standards or specific goals.
  • A follow-up review to ensure that the agreed-upon corrective action plans have been implemented successfully.
  • Improve Your IT Systems with IT Audit Services

    Want to ensure that your IT infrastructure is aligned with your business goals and doesn’t pose unnecessary risks? Take advantage of ScienceSoft’s IT auditing services to be confident in the resilience and sustainability of your IT environment.

    Why You Need IT Auditing

    • Effective risk management. IT audits focus on a broad range of IT-related business risks and help evaluate security controls, identify vulnerabilities, and implement the right policies to protect IT assets.
    • Improved efficiency of existing solutions. An IT audit shows how to maximize the capabilities of the existing IT systems and make small changes that will make a big difference in the long run.
    • IT costs optimization. Understanding IT ecosystem needs and constraints helps reduce the operational and maintenance costs across business IT systems.
    • Spend and ROI control. An IT audit can provide insight into how much money is spent on IT systems and services and the returns on that investment.
    • Regulatory compliance. IT auditing is an efficient way to find and address gaps in corporate compliance with data security, privacy, and other applicable regulations.
    • Modernization roadmapping. IT auditing helps assess the feasibility and potential benefits of implementing new technology, processes, or approaches (e.g., cloud migration vs. on-premises hosting, in-house vs. outsourced IT support, legacy software evolution vs. replacement).

    Keep Your IT Environment in Check with Experts

    IT auditing is a powerful tool that brings transparency to IT ecosystems by exposing process and security vulnerabilities. It makes companies more resilient to internal and external IT risks and improves overall IT governance. If you want to audit your corporate technology infrastructure, don’t hesitate to contact ScienceSoft. Our IT audit consultants and engineers are ready to perform a comprehensive audit to help keep your IT environment running smoothly.

    IT Consulting by ScienceSoft

    ScienceSoft helps enterprises in multiple domains (including healthcare, banking, retail, telecoms and more) to choose and implement the most suitable IT solutions. We can join your project at any stage or assist you with IT strategy development and align the IT strategy with your business goals.

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