BetterCloud makes resigning user offboarding a breeze


Whether there was a layoff, department rightsizing, or effects of the Great Resignation, IT has the chore of user offboarding. On top of the task, there is an urgent status for employees who have been let go — for whatever reason.

TL:DR BetterCloud makes user offboarding an easy workflow, not a dreaded chore.

What is the Great Resignation?

We were all part of the workforce during the last four years. It was a tough market for sure. And with COVID affecting us and our loved ones, we also took work-life balance to heart.

COVID and the ensuing restrictions led to the Great Resignation (March 2021 – June 2023) and has affected the productivity of US-based companies. Whether workers didn’t want to go back to the office after working remotely, were adverse to the vaccine mandates, or just reprioritized their family life, 47 million people quit their jobs in 2021. 

Last year, 47.8 million workers quit their jobs, an average of nearly 4 million each month, meaning 2021 holds the highest average on record, topping the 2019 average of 3.5 million.” SHRM

Older folks decided to retire and many have called it The Great Retirement instead of the Great Resignation. Millennials and Gen Z were generally dissatisfied with their jobs and some of the contributing factors included quality of life and wages. Quitting or quiet quitting isn’t a new thing, however, women have been doing it for decades – just to get a raise – but that’s another post. As a sigh of relief, the Great Resignation is over according to Statista with quit rates returning to pre-COVID levels. 

Regardless of the reason, with every resignation IT has a burden: user offboarding.

Offboarding users – The IT debt no one talks about

Within the context of software we talk about technical debt – legacy code that comes with the burden of updating and workarounds (hacks). With SaaS subscriptions we talk about the cost to the company. We forget about the IT debt that comes with offboarding users – especially during a layoff or resignation.

The Great Resignation required that companies lean into artificial intelligence (AI) and/or automation. And, to be frank, with every technical advance, there has always been a shift in the employment market. With that said, downsizing or right-sizing departments puts a heavy load on IT – their time. And, these tasks are always marked urgent.

Why is user offboarding considered an IT debt, you ask? Because as soon as the decision has been made and implemented by HR, IT is behind on every task. Every person in a department that has been called redundant (even during M&A) is a user that needs to be deprovisioned, reclaimed, and securely offboarded from all of the apps they’ve had access to during their time of employment. This is in addition to reclaiming & tracking physical hardware (laptops, tablets, monitors, and phones) that were assigned to each employee.

Offboarding users is a lot of work. There has to be a better solution for managing user offboarding. 

There is a better way – Zero-touch user offboarding

We’re happy to say there is a better way to offboard users – BetterCloud. In fact, it requires no manual work at all. Simply set up triggers that implement workflows – even with a pause to ask for confirmation and approval. Gone are the days of stress-inducing emails from HR that cause you to panic and reach for a Red Bull so you can push through another 12 hour day. 

You’ll sit back in your chair and say, “Gosh, I’m sorry to see Barbara go; she was cool.” You won’t be worried about reclaiming her Microsoft 365 license, removing her access to Xero, or taking her off of the company’s Slack account. I’ll just be done.

In fact, we have pre-built libraries of user offboarding workflows. So, you don’t even have to do that.

Our offboarding is very streamlined. Previously, an IT member was dedicated to systematically removing access, whereas now you can rely on BetterCloud workflows to perform these tasks automatically. Overall, we’ve reduced IT’s offboarding procedure by 70%”Monroe Smith, Automation Engineer at Sprout Social

You automate everything else, why not user offboarding, too?

BetterCloud is so much more than just a SaaS Management tool. It automates employee onboarding & offboarding, license reclamation, spend management, application access, and entitlement. 

Eliminate thousands of hours of manual IT work and thousands of dollars in wasted software expenses with BetterCloud.

What are you waiting for?

Want more? User offboarding is more than retrieving laptops

User offboarding is so much more than just retrieving hardware. Download our User Offboarding Checklist!

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