WebHostFace Review and Interview by top10-websitehosting


WebHostFace offers feature-rich hosting services with shared hosting plans starting at just $2.94 per month. In addition to some excellent-value hosting plans, WebHostFace has a variety of tools available that will enable you to easily create a visually-appealing, responsive, and professional website for your business or personal needs.

WebHostFace – The Beginning Of The Hosting Company

WebHostFace was established in 2013 by Valentin Sharlanov. He wanted to bring something unique to the hosting industry in terms of customer care and customer experience. His aim from day one was to emphasise a “premium” hosting experience.  Valentin Sharlanov explained further:

“It all started back in 2013. We knew how Web hosting works in debts and we knew all the secrets and fundamentals of delivering a great customer experience. We had a solid adventure in the fast-developing Web hosting industry. We wanted to build a different hosting company where each customer is valued and serviced as a premium one! Our team was small but highly-motivated, well-experienced, full of enthusiasm, and determined to succeed.  The WebHostFace team started with one main aim – to create a hosting company that takes the hosting services to a whole new level”.

Continuous Hard Work

WebHostFace strives to continually perform at their best.  Valentin Sharlanov is exceptionally proud of how far they have come and how they have still managed to uphold that initial idea of maintaining premium care.  Valentin Sharlanov told me about the aspect he his most proud of about his company’s achievements:

“I am happy that we did not change or we change but in a good way only. Almost 8 years later, we are the same, not so young 🙂 enthusiasts who created the different hosting company and we continue to work hard to get better and better and provide the smoothest hosting experience.

Over the years, we became bigger and stronger, but we never changed the way we treat each of our clients. The way we treated our first client is the way we treated our 30,000th one. We work hard and constantly implement new technologies and services to increase reliability, speed, and safety, so the trustworthiness of the WebHostFace platform is 100% guaranteed”.

How Does WebHostFace Exceed In Customer Care?

Valentin Sharlanov explained that the WebHostFace team offers premium customer service. But how exactly do they achieve that and what do they do that’s special?  Valentin Sharlanov gave me the answer:

“This is my favorite question. I already mentioned each of our clients is treated like a celebrity and we have a special system which we use to make sure each case is taken care of in the best possible way. It all starts with our chat, phone, ticket, or email support. On chat and phone – we answer immediately 24/7. There is no wait time. We value our clients’ time and we do not want to make them wait. We all ‘love’ seeing: ‘Please wait..you are next on the line’ and we all know what this means. If you are a WebHostFace customer – you never have to wait. Our average ticket and email response time are 5 minutes. You probably know – there is no such thing in the hosting industry. And not only are we fast – but we are extremely proud as we managed to find a way to go beyond the regular hosting support.

Our team is specially trained and can handle even the most complicated hosting requests. We often help our clients with development, admin, design, and personal requests just because we can. Our customer care representatives know there is no ‘No’ – we always find a way to make our clients happy and to fulfil their requests. Each case is reviewed by a senior representative to make sure the client is happy and the request is resolved fast and efficiently. If needed, cases are escalated to the next level of management. We have divided all the responsibilities between different departments to ensure the fastest and the highest-quality customer care service.

We have an extremely professional and friendly attitude toward our customers. And our team knows how superstars should be serviced”.

It’s fantastic to see  Valentin Sharlanov speaking so highly of his team. He is obviously very proud of them! I think they are doing a really great job at providing superior customer support.

A New And Popular Hosting Solution

Valentin Sharlanov told me about a new package that was recently launched in April 2020 and how it has quickly become the best hosting choice for WebHostFace Customers:

“WebHostFace offers the right solution for any personal or business needs. We have a large variety of packages to make sure everyone will find what they are looking for. In April 2020, we proudly presented our new-featured package Face Ultima – an all-in-one hosting solution! It is full of extra services and is boosted with three times more resources and performance acceleration. 

With more memory and CPU, advanced caching, and unbeatable server performance, our customers are already enjoying the smoothest possible experience. Not to mention that our developers have created unique software, which detects a much wider range of threats than standard scanners, and this feature is also included for free with the Face Ultima solution. It has tons of useful features included and anyone who is serious about their online project appreciates it. It quickly became popular among our clients and more and more of them who already developed their online stores, business websites, personal blogs, etc. are upgrading their current packages and are enjoying the boosted performance”.

The Face Ultima plan can be found amongst the shared hosting plans and costs only $11.94 per month at the time of writing this review. Not only do you get all those great features that  Valentin Sharlanov told me about, but you also get 30GB web space, unlimited free SSL certificates, a free SEO boost, daily data backups, and free site transfers. With all these handy inclusions, it’s easy to see why WebHostFace customers favour Face Ultima.

Some Additional Hosting Services

Of course, WebHostFace has a lot more to offer aside from Face Ultima. Let’s take a look…

More shared hosting plans – If you’re looking for something a little cheaper than Face Ultima, you can opt for Face standard or Face Extra. These cost $2.94 and $5.94 per month, respectively.

VPS hosting – VPS hosting plans from WebHostFace begin at the low price of $9.95 per month. This will bag you 20GB space, 1024MB dedicated RAM, 1TB traffic and 1CPU core. All the available VPS plans are conveniently scalable and highly flexible.

Managed WordPress hosting – For WebHostFace’s managed WordPress hosting solutions, you can choose from WP Artist ($19.95/month) and WP Master ($36.95/month). There are loads of benefits to both of these plans including performance audits, SEO audits, speed audits, personal support, and fantastic discounts on themes and plugins.

To Conclude My Review

As you can see, WebHostFace has lots to offer. The aspect I’ve been most impressed with is the team’s dedication to customer care and treating customers like they are truly valued. The company is very competitively-priced and there is a generous number of features and inclusions in each of the plans. This is true whether you need the basic shared hosting plan for less than $3/month, or something more powerful and costly, such as managed WP hosting.

Lastly, a big thanks to  Valentin Sharlanov for his cooperation. It’s been a great experience!

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