Internet Speeds and Costs Around the World (2010) – Web Host Pro Blog – Web Hosting, VPS, CPanel, dedicated servers
Curious how this has changed as of 2023? Here are the current higher and lower price and speed levels for each major country.
Internet speeds and costs can vary significantly around the world due to factors such as technological infrastructure, geographical location, competition among service providers, government policies, and economic conditions. As of 2021, here’s a general overview of internet speeds and costs in different regions:
It’s important to note that internet speeds are usually measured in megabits per second (Mbps), and costs are often quoted in local currency or as a percentage of average income. Additionally, the information provided here is a general overview and might not reflect the most up-to-date situation in every country.
For the most accurate and current information on internet speeds and costs around the world, I recommend consulting sources such as:
1 – Singapore 247.292 +1 United Arab Emirates 239.203 -1 Chile 229.484 +1 Hong Kong (SAR) 215.125 -1 China 209.406 +1 Thailand 206.607 -1 United States 205.208 – Denmark 199.269 – Spain 180.0010 +10 Monaco 175.3611 -1 Romania 173.3012 -1 France 169.5213 +1 Switzerland 162.2614 +1 Macau (SAR) 157.7015 +3 Kuwait 157.2516 +1 New Zealand 154.8817 +6 Israel 149.5618 +1 Canada 148.9319 -3 Japan 147.7020 +8 Uruguay 141.6921 – Portugal 141.6122 -9 Andorra 135.5723 +1 Taiwan 133.5524 -12 Liechtenstein 133.0025 -3 Hungary 132.13